Beneath the shadows of the Giants mural painted on the concrete silos at Ocean Concrete, the Granville Island Cultural Society has launched a new outdoor public art gallery.
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Beneath the shadows of the Giants mural painted on the concrete silos at Ocean Concrete, the Granville Island Cultural Society has launched a new outdoor public art gallery.
It is a unique opportunity to show my stone lithographs to a new audience, with many of the out-of-town visitors who might not necessarily visit an art gallery – artist Elisabeth Sommerville.
While the visual arts are not a new concept to Granville Island, this new outdoor gallery will provide two opportunities per year for artists with unique six month long installations at Ocean Art Works. But while another gallery may seem like a natural addition to this Vancouver cultural hub, this gallery located adjacent to the Creekhouse at 1551 Johnston Street, will be accessible 24 hours a day. Working with artist Garett Campbell-Wilson and the creative team at Cerebrum Marketing Group, the artwork will be preserved, protected, and enjoyed outside, year round.
“Our method and approach to new media printmaking is unique because I have personally experimented with printing a wide variety of art, photography, and graphic design directly onto experimental surfaces, such as metal, wood, glass, tile, cork, plastics, and stone,” says Campbell-Wilson. “Our technique allows the material and artwork to compliment one another’s textures. We truly live in an age where art and science intersect.”
The first artist to be featured at the new gallery is Elisabeth Sommerville who, since taking a course on stone lithography at Malaspina Printmakers on Granville Island, has been creating multicolored stone lithographs for nearly 20 years. A selection of Sommerville’s original artwork has been scanned and enlarged, then transferred to weatherproof brushed aluminum panels using the process perfected by Campbell-Wilson.
“I was just delighted that my work was chosen for this first solo display at the Ocean Art Works outdoor gallery space. It is a unique opportunity to show my stone lithographs to a new audience, with many of them out-of-town visitors who might not necessarily visit an art gallery,” says Sommerville.
Sommerville’s work will be on display until September.